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10 ways to honor a loved one that has passed away

Posted by Collaborative Counseling
Living with bipolar disorder can be challenging

Grief and Loss

Grief is a natural human emotion that occurs when someone we love dies. It is a complex process that can involve a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and loneliness. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and everyone experiences it differently.

Some people find it helpful to talk about their grief with friends and family, while others prefer to grieve in private. There are also many support groups available for people who are grieving.

It is important to allow yourself to feel your emotions and to take care of yourself during this time. Get enough rest, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. It may also be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor.

Here are 10 ways to honor a loved one that has passed away:

  1. Create a memorial. A memorial can be a physical object, such as a bench or tree, or it can be something more abstract, such as a song or poem. The memorial should be something that reminds you of your loved one and their life.
  2. Donate to a charity in their name. This is a great way to honor your loved one’s memory and help others at the same time. Choose a charity that was important to your loved one, or one that supports a cause they were passionate about.
  3. Volunteer your time. Volunteering is another way to give back to the community and honor your loved one’s memory. Find a cause that was important to them and get involved.
  4. Plant a tree. Trees are a symbol of life, and planting one in your loved one’s name is a beautiful way to honor their memory. Choose a tree that is native to your area and that will thrive in your climate.
  5. Write a letter. Sometimes the best way to honor a loved one is to simply write them a letter. Tell them how much you loved them and how much they meant to you. You can also share your memories of them and how they’ve impacted your life.
  6. Create a scrapbook. A scrapbook is a great way to preserve memories of your loved one. Collect photos, letters, and other mementos, and arrange them in a creative way. You can also add captions and write about your memories of your loved one.
  7. Share their story. Tell others about your loved one and their life. Share stories about their childhood, their accomplishments, and their unique personality. This is a great way to keep their memory alive and to help others learn about them.
  8. Live your life to the fullest. One of the best ways to honor a loved one is to live your life to the fullest. Do the things that they loved to do and that made them happy. This is a way of keeping their spirit alive and of showing them how much they meant to you.
  9. Never forget them. The most important way to honor a loved one is to never forget them. Keep their memory alive in your heart and in your mind. Talk about them often and share stories about them with others.
  10. Be kind to others. Another way to honor a loved one is to be kind to others. This is something that your loved one would have wanted you to do, and it’s a way of spreading their love and compassion to the world.

Resources to Help

If you are struggling with grief, there are many resources available to help you. Here are a few:

Losing a loved one is never easy, but there are many ways to honor their memory and keep their spirit alive.

Remember, you are not alone. There are many people who understand what you are going through and who want to help.

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What is the Difference Between Depression and Mourning?

Posted by Collaborative Counseling
Living with bipolar disorder can be challenging

Depression Versus Mourning

Depression and mourning hold a lot of similarities. However, depression is different from mourning. Mourning is viewed as a longer, ongoing sadness that impacts the person’s ability to function effectively in life. Everyone mourns differently. Therefore, someone in mourning could potentially meet the criteria for a Major Depressive Episode. With this in mind, maybe we haven’t given enough thought to whether some people who are depressed are grieving a loss of some kind.

One In the Same?

In a recent conversation with a friend, she posed the question: Is depression a type of mourning? Maybe some people with depression are grieving the way they wish things were. We do know that depressed people tend to view the world in more negative ways. However, maybe it goes deeper than that.

Maybe, the negativity we see in the thinking of depressed people is about their grief and loss of relationships or career dreams. Maybe, even family ideals or visions of success they saw for themselves.

Of course, by no means do I suggest everyone who is depressed is grieving or in mourning. However, I do believe that some people may be.

Ultimately, depression varies in how it develops and presents for each individual. I think the thoughts above remind us to treat each person as an individual. By better understanding those in mourning and in depression, we can undoubtedly better help them to overcome their struggles.

Learn more at: https://www.collaborativemn.com/counseling-services/individual-counseling

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